• Life Groups

    We want to see every person plugged in and growing. 

    "Life Group" is considered Multiplication Ministry here at NB! Life Group is a great place to get connected and grow in relationship with others.  Our groups spend time in God’s Word through sermon-based curriculum. Each group is encouraged to study the Bible weekly, hang-out together monthly, and serve together quarterly. 

    We are here to help you find your people.

  • Restore Groups

    A Restore Group is a gender-specific, closed group of 3-5 believers that meet weekly for a season of 5-10 months of accelerated spiritual growth and restoration. All with the aim of becoming disciples who go and make disciples!

    For more information on Restore Groups, click here.

    To start a Restore Group, click the button below.

  • The Prayer

    We encourage all adults to participate! The Prayer takes place in the Worship Center at 6:30PM every Wednesday. We realize that not everyone can make it every Wednesday, so that is why we say "find your corporate prayer rhythm (CPR)." It will look different for each family.

    Kids and Student Ministries are available while the adults pursue the Lord in prayer together.

  • Serving

    Interested in being on our Welcome Team? We are always looking for help on teams: greeting, parking, medical, and safety. Simply click the button below, and our Connections Minister will be glad to help you find your next step here at New Beginnings!